Simply arrive well – furnished living space for everyone.

Welcome to Housing Lüneburg!

A solid network

In addition to our range of accommodation and support and advice for guests, we are happy to point out a variety of assistance for new Lueneburgers and welcome organizations. Our partners can provide additional support.

Support and support in project planning

We advise and support German and foreign specialists, as well as international and German students, guest scientists, expats, trainees, FSJ students, interns and many more.

If you as an organization need support in looking after or accommodating your foreign guests, please contact us.
We support social projects and projects in which we can contribute our expertise in a targeted and lean manner. With our many years of experience, we are happy to help. We would also be happy to come to your organization and analyze, develop and implement your individual red carpet for your guests.

Private individuals and professionals

We offer support in administrative, practical or intercultural questions. We provide both individuals and groups of up to 20 people with the know-how that new Lüneburgers need.